Tuesday 20 December 2016

Retail Market Strategy

Element in retail strategy 

Target market
The target market is the market segment toward which retailer plans to focus its resources and retail mix. The retailer must know the audience by selected the target market.

Retail Format 
The nature of the retailer's operation and its retail mix- the location, pricing ,upscale or downscale.

Sustainable competitive advantage
The retailer must have their competitive advantage to compete in the market which is an advantage towards the competition.

For example


Image result for mcdonalds

The target market for mcdonalds are the youngster and the family with the moderate income, the retail offering for mcdonal's is the fast food retaurant .The competitive advantage for the mcdonald are their burger are much cheap compare to other company.

Criteria for selecting a target market

It will be attractiveness with large growing and little competition in the market.There will more profit so the retailer can consistent the competitive advantages of them.

Opportunities for retailer to develop sustainable competitive advantages

  • Customer loyalty
  • Location
  • Human Resource Management
  • Distribution and information systems
  • Unique merchandise
  • Vendors relations
  • Customer services
There are 3 approaches for sustainable competitive advantage

Build strong relationship with customer
Build strong relationship with supplier
Efficient internal operations

Build strong relationship with customer

Related image

Its consists brand image. For example mcdonalds have tiers their customer emotional when the customer look at their brand they have thinking about the burger at their places. The unique positioning , how's the retailer position their retailer brand onto customer mind and the customer perceive or not the retailer purpose. For example Starbucks have apply their coffee shop as a high price shop with a high quality. The retailer also have good customer service to attract the customer much better. Customer relationship management also have to analyze the shopping behavior by compile the data and make a research and development.

Build strong relationship with suppliers

Image result for Build strong relationship with supplier

The retailer must make supplier as a partner to smooth the nice transaction among them.The retailer must share the info about the sales data for supplier know the pattern of the stock to fulfill the demand on the market .The retailer must pay on time. 

Efficient internal operation 

Image result for management

The internal operation is the management such as HR,Logistic Management information system that must follow the standard of the procedure.

After that the retailer must have the strategic process to ensure the business must be smooth all the time

Strategic Retail Planning Proces 

1)Identify business mission

Image result for Business mission.

At first stage the retailer must have a broad description of a retailer's objectives & scope of activities to take.

2)Conduct situation analysis 

The retailer must have market attractiveness analysis, competitor analysis and self analysis. The can use the SWOT analysis ,porter five models. The retailer must know the barriers of entry, barriers of subtitute, bargaining power of supplier and bargaining power of customer

Image result for Conduct situation analysis

3)Identify strategic opportunities

The retailer must know the strategic opportunities to increase sales in general .

Image result for Identify strategic opportunities

4)Evaluate strategic alternatives

The retailer must establish the competitive advantage, evaluate based on the SWOT analysis  to evaluate.

Image result for Evaluate strategic alternatives

5)Establish specific objectives & allocate resources

The characteristic of objectives must be measurable in the time frame based on the business plan and the marketing plan. The level of investment.

Image result for Establish specific objectives & allocate resources

6)Develop retail mix to implement strategy

The retailer must develop retail mix for each opportunity the investment that have been made.The advertising , the promotion and so on.

Image result for Develop retail mix to implement strategy

7)Evaluate the performance & make adjustment

The retailer must evaluate the result of the strategy & implementation program, If the objectives met, don't do the adjustment but if not met the objectives the retailer must do the adjustment to ensure the objective are on the right track.

Image result for Evaluate the performance & make adjustment

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